February 02, 2012

Reginald Miller - Act 1

Hello, friends! My name is Reginald Miller of Twinbrooks Town. I used to be a surgeon but I decided to retire early because I want to be a full-time husband and father.

One would say that our family's pretty plain and ordinary. You know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. People take for granted the little things in life. I'm smart enough to know that these little things are the most important out of everything.

My family is my pride and my joy and I will do anything.. and I mean "ANYTHING" to protect them and keep them safe.

"Honey, can you be a dear and turn the heater on, please?"

I confidently value myself as the world's greatest family man so I happily comply with my dear wife's request.

The familiarity of taking the short route from the front door to the shack entrance is practically etched on my mind now. Seeing as I’m the only one with the key to that part of the house isn't a coincidence as well, I assure you. 

Instinctively locking the door behind me, I make my way down to the cellar.

Ah yes, the furnace heater. The cellar is still as dark as ever, though... I have to remind myself to fix the lights here sometime soon.

As I kid I used to be terrified of the dark but I think I've grown out of that phobia now. And so I make my way towards the heater.

Mundane or boring this task may be, I always find solace whenever I set foot inside the cellar. The blinding ambience of this place really gets to me and somehow always makes me feel relaxed and soothed.

So, I go ahead and light the furnace. That should do it, good as new. Oh goodness me.. I seem to have forgotten to clean up after myself again last time!

You see, friends, when I said that I'd do "ANYTHING" to protect my family... I meant it with my all heart and soul.

It is the sole duty of a prudent husband and father to keep his family safe from all the dangers of this God-forsaken world. Evils, like this WOMAN here, are everywhere and I must do what I can to rid my family of them.

To think that I once considered this wench as an acquaintance sickens me. Despite my continuously reasoning against her evil deeds, she still chose to turn a deaf ear on my warnings. But that is of no matter now. This will obviously be the last time she tries to corrupt my children with cigarettes. May God damn all the fools who choose to play with the tools of Satan.

Now that that's done with, I should think about disposing of the body soon. I can't do it tonight seeing as there's a party at the house in front of us. They're good people as far as I can tell. Just so long as they stay away from my family, I think they'll just get along fine with life.

People who die because of evil vices always leave such a mess. Cleaning up stresses me most of the time…

Oh yes, friends, I can assure you that I've protected my family many, MANY times before.

That’s enough for tonight, though. My work here is done and it is time for me to get back to the ones I loved.



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